4 Significant Reasons To Consider Getting Your Child Therapy
Published on 22nd December, 2022

Recent news articles have shown that the number of children experiencing mental health symptoms has significantly increased, especially since the pandemic began (Marsac, 2022). Consequently, more children require mental health support to lead a healthy and happy life.
Therapy services can benefit children, as adolescence involves many biological and environmental changes. It is a time when children go to school and experience completely new surroundings, adapt to new routines, cope with major life transitions and hone their social skills. At times, adolescent problems might be minimised by adults as their problems are thought of as “small” or “transient”. For example, parents may expect their child to just move on when they face friendship problems. However, problems that might seem "insignificant" to an adult can have the capability to shape a child's worldview.
There are many reasons for a child to seek therapy. Behavioural changes or excessive stress due to studies or exams, friendship issues, and self-harm are just some of the signs indicating that your child might benefit from mental health treatment. If a child is showing a significant change in their mood, such as being withdrawn, moody, or fearful, it might indicate that they are going through a tough time and could also benefit from talking to a therapist (Marschall, 2022). Additionally, not all indications are visible, and children who express a desire to attend therapy should also be taken seriously by their parents.
Here are four significant reasons why you should consider a child therapist in Singapore:
1. Understanding behaviour
When children or adolescents show behavioural changes like moodiness, changes in appetite, having trouble concentrating or refusing to attend school, it might be a sign for them to seek therapy or professional help. Therapy enables parents or guardians to understand their children's behaviour better and provides them with the skills and knowledge to support their children as they grow up. Therapists compliment and support children as they learn. They help them believe in themselves and find their strengths. Healthy behavioural patterns and helpful thinking patterns are developed through therapy (Cullinan, 2018).
In addition to helping parents and guardians develop essential, valuable skills, psychotherapy services can help to detect any psychological abnormality early, such as hyperactivity, ADHD, and dyslexia. Early detection means detecting, diagnosing, evaluating, and treating abnormalities.
2. Children can learn to ask for help
It can be tough for children to talk about their challenges. It may be difficult for them to express their needs due to their feelings. They may also have beliefs that prevent them from seeking help or asking for it too frequently or at inappropriate times (Kennedy-More, 2018). When a child is unwilling or afraid to speak up about their issues, parents can offer support by asking if they would like to speak to a mental health professional about their problems. Speaking to a therapist gives the child a foundation to learn and ask for help as they develop.
3. Additional support for your child
The introduction of additional support to your child's life can be beneficial to both of you. Social support can be a great protective factor when children face difficult times. Therapists can help your child navigate the tough stuff as part of their team while providing a safe space for children to explore their feelings and learn how to express them. Having a therapist for your child can also help children feel more supported and that any emotion they feel is valid.
4. Understanding coping responses
Children experience various emotions just as adults do. They can feel anxious, disappointed, embarrassed, and scared – to name a few. Children and adolescents need to understand the root of their coping responses to manage their emotions healthily. Speaking to a therapist can help them understand why they exhibit certain natural coping responses, which may be due to their past experiences, and how these responses may be maladaptive. By fully understanding the root and inaccuracy of their beliefs, the child can explore alternative coping strategies with their own strengths.
As a parent or guardian, you do not have to decide if your child should go to therapy alone. If you are contemplating, you should talk to your child's paediatrician or a mental health specialist. These professionals can help identify if therapy would benefit your child as a form of support. If your child is expressing the desire to go to therapy, it should also be taken seriously by parents or guardians.
Marsac, M.L. (2022). Does My Child Need Therapy? https://www.psychologytoday.com/sg/blog/afraid-the-doctor/202204/does-my-child-need-therapy
Marschall, A. (2022). Should Your Child Be In Therapy? https://www.verywellmind.com/should-your-child-be-in-therapy-5221707#toc-signs-your-child-might-benefit-from-therapy
Cullinan, C.C. (2018). Taking Your Child To A Therapist https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/finding-therapist.html?ref=search
Kennedy-More, E. (2018) Teach Your Child to Ask for Help—the Right Way https://www.psychologytoday.com/sg/blog/growing-friendships/201809/teach-your-child-ask-help-the-right-way